Apple Scab

Apple Scab is one of the most common diseases to affect Crab Apple trees. It infects leaves and fruit of trees, causing damage and deformities.

What is Apple Scab?

The fungus that causes Apple Scab (Venturia Inaequalis) damages leaves, fruit and twigs of Apple, Pear and Hawthorne trees

Spores develop on fallen leaves and are carried by wind  or rain to healthy trees where they start new infections and spread

Warm and wet weather is the ideal time for the disease to spread.

What are the symptoms of Apple Scab?

– Spots on young leaves and fruit that become darker as the disease progresses

– Yellowing leaves and leaf loss in summer

– Infected fruit become deformed and cracked as the grow

– Tree Death

Deformed Fruit
Yellowing Leaves
Spots on Leaves
Spread of Spores

How is Apple Scab treated?

– Trunk injections with a fungicide or systemic treatment to inhibit fungus and promote healthy plant cells

– Application of treatment in the fall or as early in the spring as possible, before budding.

– Subsequent treatments as necessary

– Regular care and pruning of trees to maintain tree health and prevent vulnerability to disease

Removal of tree if necessary. Trees that are infected several years in a row can be damaged by decreased growth and subsequent winter injury.

– Planting disease resistant varieties of trees.

– Removal of fallen leaves in the fall (where the spores overwinter) can help reduce spread in the spring.

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