Anthracnose is a fungus that lies dormant on twigs and buds during winter and causes destruction of buds, leaves and branches when it spreads in spring.
What Is Anthracnose?

The fungus that causes Anthracnose effects Sycamores and Dogwoods primarily, as well as other trees
It spreads during wet and cool weather when fungus spores are distributed through wind and water
Anthracnose is a minor stress on trees and usually does not cause permanent damage
It is usually most evident in the spring and is often mistaken for frost damage
What are the symptoms of Anthracnose?
– Die back and limb loss, early leaf drop
– Cupping and curling of leaves and dark lesions on leaves where fungus spores are forming
– Dark lesions and cankers on branches
– “Witches Brooms” which are a proliferation of branch ends that have developed due to repeated killing off of buds

How is Anthracnose treated?
– Injections and bark spray are recommended for prevention and suppression, especially on trees with significant leaf loss or that have been affected several years in a row.
– Treat trees in late summer or early fall.
– Regular care and pruning of trees to remove infected branches and to allow sunlight and air circulation.
– Raking and removal of leaves in the fall, to prevent spores from reinfecting trees in the spring.